7.0 Emission Control


The following options are now available for optimizing emission control in utility and industrial power plants.




Pre combustion control

1.       Physical coal cleaning to remove ash and pyrites.

2.       Chemical coal cleaning.

3.       Fuel oil preparation through

(a)   Settling

(b)  Blending

(c)   Salts removal

4.       Fuel oil emulsification

5.       Chemical additives

6.       Classification/Liquefaction

7.       Using coal/water or coal/oil slurries

8.       Densification of fuel/wastes

9.       Fuel conversions (converting MSW and other low grade fuels into gaseous and liquid fuels.)


In furnace control

1.       Combustion control by utilizing

(a)   Low excess air

(b)  LNOx burners

(c)   Flue gas re-circulation

(d)  Fuel re burning

2.       Advanced low NOx burners

3.       Furnace sorbent injection

4.       Limestone injection multi stage burner

5.       Slagging combustors

6.       Ammonia injection

7.       Urea injection

8.       Fluidized bed combustion

9.       Co-combustion


Post combustion control

1.       Ammonia injected FGD

2.       Wet lime/limestone FGD

3.       Spray dryer FGD

4.       SCR

5.       SNCR

6.       DeSOxNOx system

7.       Fabric filter

8.       Mechanical collector

9.       ESP

10.   Wet particulate scrubbing

11.   Electron beam process

12.   Sodium sorbent injection

13.   Calcium sorbent injection


Auxiliary equipment tie ins

1.       FGD reheaters

(a)   Gas-gas exchanger

(b)  Gas-liquid-gas exchanger

(c)   Indirect air preheater

(d)  Direct combustion

(e)   Inline reheat

(f)    Flue gas bypass

2.       Stack

(a)   Wet-stack operation

(b)  Conventional operation

3.       Cooling towers

(a)   Natural draft

(b)  Mechanical draft

4.       Once through cooling

5.       Air cooled surface condensers

6.       FGD exhaust discharge through CT
